“Faites Rhizome et pas Racine!”
The goal of this interdisciplinary workshop is to elaborate a comprehensive theory of extitutions and the process extitutionalisation. It will invite both institutional and extitutional scholars from different disciplines, as well as practitionners interested in exploring and better understanding extitutional frameworks. The goal is to elaborate new conceptual tools to better understand the process of extitutionalisation, and new vocabulary to better grasp the distinctive characteristics of this process. During the conference, participants will compare these two types of structured social dynamics (institutions and extitutions) and identify new forms of interactions between the two.
This workshop will be structured in five sessions:
1. General Introduction: What are institutions? What are extitutions? What are intitutions? What is the relationship between institutions and extitutions? What are the conditions for the emergence of extitutional dynamics?
2. Extitutions within existing organisations: What are the extitutional dynamics in a given organisation? How can we understand the organisation as an extitutions? What are the conditions for the emergence of extitutional dynamics? How are the four dimensions of extitutions (structural, cultural, operational, and societal) articulated?
4. Interplay between institutions and extitutions: What is the relationship between institutions and extitutions? What are the conditions for the interplay between them? How do we reinforce the interplay between institutions and extitutions?
3. Extitutions beyond organisations: What are the extitutional dynamics at play with regard to a given social issue, such as poverty or climate change? How can we understand social issues through the lens of an extitutions?
5. Conclusion and Discussion: What are the implications of this view on the organization? What are the implications for management and institutional theory?
The last day will adopt a more extitutional format, inviting participants to discuss and brainstorm in a more open format. The workshop will conclude with a plenary session where participants can give an update on their own work in progress or reflect on the themes of the workshop.